Struble Reel seats

Struble Agate Guides.
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Struble makes use of only the finest materials available, using specialized machinery for ultimate precision, with three decades of industry know-how. The result is that Glenn Struble Manufacturing Co. has created the finest, most comprehensive line of quality reel seats available to the fly tackle industry. And their commitment to making dependable, precision reel seats is your assurance of their quality, no matter where you fish or what kind of rod you use.

Struble Reel Seat.
Our Heritage:
Glenn Struble Manufacturing Company was founded in 1974 by Glenn Struble, a mechanical engineer with a love for fly fishing and commitment to excellence. Struble’s designs and quality quickly became, and continue to be, the industry standard around the globe. The business was first housed in Glenn’s garage at his home in Roseburg, Oregon. The company quickly grew and eventually moved to Sutherlin, Oregon. Glenn Struble passed away in 1993, leaving a legacy that we are dedicated to preserving. His unwavering commitment to excellence in design, quality, and performance remains our central objective. Because of this, Struble Manufacturing continues to be recognized as the industry leader in product quality and customer service. Glenn’s wife, Juanita, continued the company’s proud history of producing precision fly fishing components until 2005 when the company was purchased by Jeffrey Pentecost, a Montana native with a love for fly fishing and a passion for innovation. His personal standards for quality, integrity, and service match Struble’s long-standing practice of delivering only the finest. As always, Struble products are made by our own craftsmen using only the very highest quality materials. The company now operates in Portland, Oregon. Achieving excellence through the constant pursuit of perfection
Jeff Pentecost
President, Glenn Struble Mfg. Co.